Urbanisation, Rule of Law, and Environmental Quality in Sub‑Saharan Africa
This study investigates the empirical relationship among urbanisation, rule of law, and environmental quality in 40 Sub-Saharan Africa countries based on a balanced panel data during 2000-2022. The study employs panel system of generalised method of moments (S-GMM) to examine the effects of urbanisation, rule of law, and its mediating role on environmental quality in the linkage between urbanisation and environmental quality in SSA. The study reveals rule of law and trade openness exerting negative pressures on ecological footprint, separately, to bring about improvement in environmental quality in the SSA region. However, urbanisation, industrialisation, and regulatory quality have positive effects on ecological footprint individually. The increase in ecological footprint due to these variables implies increasing pollution or reduction in environmental quality. Rule of law improves environmental quality but regulatory quality deteriorates it in the 40 SSA countries. The findings suggest the need for sustainable urban design, environmentally best practices in industrialisation, environmental management, strengthening legal institutions, enforcing environmental legislation, and promoting transparency and accountability in environmental governance through investment in judicial systems, and fostering partnerships among governments, civil society and the private sector.
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