Trade Openness and Food Security nexus among selected ECOWAS member countries
The paper investigates the impact of trade on long and short run food security among ECOWAS member countries. The paper relied on Pooled Mean Group approach to capture the impact of market and policy measure of trade openness alongside macroeconomic variables on food security among ECOWAS countries using annual data spanning 2001-2022. Major findings reveal market trade openness, food inflation, political stability and population growth have significant positive impact on food security in the long run, while market trade openness, food inflation and population growth have significant short run impact in Benin, Burkina Faso, Cote d’Ivoire, Mali, Niger, Nigeria and Senegal. Findings inform the conclusion that market trade openness as against policy trade openness is a major determinant of food security in the long run in in the ECOWAS region. The study recommends in favor of full implementation of the ECOWAS customs policy by member countries. This will help eliminate food trade distorting policies and improve intra-regional food trade and hence food security in both short and long run.
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